new kid on the blog

AS with many things, I have come quite late to the world of blogging.  It has only been about six months now since I started exploring this brave new world.  But since discovering so many of you out there, I have become quite addicted.  I have found myself  pouring daily over an ever growing list of blogs  (maybe that is where my year thus far has disappeared to!?! – see  here).  I have discovered a whole community of talented, energetic, generous, creative people, who have a passion for the same things I do.  I have loved logging on each day  and seeing into your homes,  finding wonderfully creative ideas for decorating, being entertained by your stories and feeling enriched by the beauty you have shared through your blogs  (Is all this gushing a bit too much???).  It has inspired me and filled me with enthusiasm in my own life. So thank you :)

For all this time  though, I hate to admit, I have been guilty of lurking – you know, reading along, sharing in your lives,  but never commenting – well not very often anyway. Maybe it is because I am naturally shy, or maybe it was laziness. Either way –  I am sorry. I have much to learn about blog etiquette, it is true. But, no longer shall it be all one way.

I invite you to read along as I chronicle my inspirations, projects, renovations, creations and everyday adventures living in my Mountain Treehouse.  As I begin , my head is bursting with ideas. I am excited to get started,  and looking forward to seeing how this blog unfolds and where it takes me.  But most of all, I am looking forward to meeting all of you.

So welcome to Mountain Treehouse Living.


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